Join our amazing homeowner family at Oasis Rentals, Inc.

At Oasis Rentals, we offer more than just property management; we provide a personalized partnership designed to maximize your investment. Our boutique agency is dedicated to delivering unparalleled care and seamless teamwork, ensuring your vacation rental thrives.

Here's what sets us apart:

  • Personalized Support: We pride ourselves on one-on-one attention for homeowners, making your experience effortless and rewarding.
  • Property Focus: Your home is our priority. We guarantee prompt, courteous responses and transparency – no hidden fees.
  • Expertise in Palm Springs Market: With our in-depth knowledge of the local vacation market, we’re committed to maximizing your property's potential.
  • Results-Driven Approach: Our service is defined by our dedication to achieving outstanding results for you.

Don't settle for ordinary management. At Oasis Rentals, you're more than just a number. Join us and experience a superior partnership with your vacation rental team. Let's turn your property into a consistently profitable investment together.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Oasis Rentals family.

Key advantages to the services we offer:

Competitive Commissions – We run with a lean business model, without the bloated overhead. This means we can offer more for our commission versus any other agency.


Higher Annual Net Income - We generate 13+% more revenue for our owners plus save our homeowners an average of 15+% in unnecessary charges versus other agencies. 


Realistic Evaluation of Your Homes’ Potential - We will not promise occupancy rates or annual revenues that are not realistic just to sign up your home. We make commitments we can meet or exceed. We only make money with our homeowners, not off of them.


Great Reviews – Our online presence speaks for us - Yelp has 294 Reviews with a 4.3/5, Google 214 Reviews 4.8/5, and Airbnb 2173 Reviews 4.8/5.


Our Personalized Hands-on Management Team - We are available to our Homeowners; we know your names, you know ours. You have a designated hotline to reach us. Communication is the golden key to success. We are a boots-on-the-ground team top to bottom.


Organic First Page lis8ngs on Google search - We don’t need to pay for ad space to be on top, we put in the time and built our top listing status, which benefits our listings, bookings, and rates.


Extensive Cross Marking- We list your property where it needs to be listed to maximize your bookings. 


Owner /Agent Teamwork- Operating a vacation rental is a team effort, and we work together with our homeowners to ensure their revenue goals are met while maintaining the integrity of their homes. It is a true partnership for a common goal and purpose.


Great Homeowners- Low homeowner turnover, the average length a homeowner has been with us is 7-10 years. We build lasting relationships with our homeowners based on trust and experience. 


Better guest screening and adherence to city laws– We verify guests, ask questions, and interact with guests before booking, and we require them to sign the city forms before arrival so we can all enjoy an issue-free stay.


Great Relationship with the city – No Calls or Citations. 100% pass with city safety inspections on the first try 5 years in a row. Neighbors like us because we educate our guests, and are respectful of our neighborhoods and community.


Great Guests – By properly communicating the rules, and city laws in advance, guests are prepared for what is required while they enjoy their stay. This leads to more issue-free stays, better reviews, and better guest experiences. We have many repeat guests that come back year after year. An informed guest is a great guest.


We offer personal VIP Check-Ins to our guests – We meet our guests in person in most situations, while touchless remote check-in is offered on request, we believe in personal interactions with our guests. We are connected to our guests before, during, and after their stay, which translates to great guest experiences.


Better Housekeeping, Maintenance, Vendors – 15+ year partnership with our cleaners, an amazing in-house maintenance team, reliable, reasonably priced vendors. We care, our vendors care, and it will show.

We look forward to working with you!- Oasis Rentals

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